
Christmas Gift Guide for Your Girlfriend

I have been a girlfriend, for a long time. I mean a really long time. I haven't been single for more than a couple months at one time since 8th grade. So, I had a guy friend of mine ask me what to get his girlfriend, whom he has only been dating a couple of months (so jewelry is out of the question) for Christmas, me be being the expert on what girlfriends like and all, I came up with the following:

Soy candles (dulce de leche scent), yummy loose tea, bubble bath bombs, and a soft colorful throw blanket.
No matter what gift you give a girlfriend at Christmas it needs to show that you care for them, and that you put time and thought behind it. Therefore, I put together a pampering package. My guy friend's girl, lives states away so they spend a lot of time apart, therefore it is important that she knows he is giving her a big hug through the cold months even though he isn't physically there. Everything in this pampering package brings warmth, and thought. Accompanied with a handmade card, this gift package will make her truly smile!

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